Where to Buy Non-Medical Cloth Face Masks and Reusable Respirators

As the virus continues to plague the world, people are seeking ways to protect themselves from infection when they must leave their homes to buy groceries or work at essential jobs. The CDC recommends wearing a cloth face covering in public to help stop the spread of infection. Are you wondering if you should buy a mask, and if so, what kind? We have the information you need, and a list of non-medical face masks available to buy now.

Why should I consider buying a cloth face mask?

The coronavirus is primarily spread through respiratory droplets that are emitted when people cough and sneeze, contaminating the air and nearby surfaces. Wearing a face mask can help reduce exposure to respiratory droplets and prevent your respiratory droplets from potentially infecting others. Since many people who are infected do not show symptoms right away and/or have only a mild illness, it is important to behave as though you may have the virus and wear a face mask in public.


Should I buy a cloth face mask or a medical mask?

If you are at higher risk due to a chronic health condition or disability, or you are a health care provider or other essential worker, you may want to consider buying N95 masks. But for most people, a non-medical face mask should be fine. You can also wear a cloth face mask over an N95 or surgical mask to help them last longer, provided you can breathe freely.

Disclaimer: Pandemic Pal does not sell the products listed below, we are simply providing a service to make them easier to find. While the CDC recommends wearing cloth face masks, we cannot guarantee the quality or effectiveness of any specific product or vendor. Therefore, we make no claims that any products listed on our site will mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose or cure any disease or health condition. This page contains affiliate links, which means if you choose to make a purchase, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Learn more.


Reusable N95 Mask Alternatives

Studies show that cloth masks work, but N95 masks work better. But there was an initial shortage of N95 masks, and while they’re now available, they are a bit pricey, especially because they are designed to be disposable. There are ways to sterilize and reuse them, but it’s not ideal. So if you need a high-quality mask for daily use but respirators aren’t affordable for you, these alternatives are almost as good.



These masks have been tested and certified at a FFP2 level, which means providing the testing was accurate, a Masks Up face covering is the equivalent of an N95 respirator! They block at least 95% of particles as small as 0.1 microns, which can help protect you from the virus, bacteria, mold, and smoke in areas affected by wildfires. MasksUp products are a great choice for seniors and people with underlying health conditions and/or disabilities, as well as home caregivers who don’t have access to a steady supply of N95 masks.

Buy MasksUp reusable respirator masks here.


Space Mask

The Space Mask is made of an engineered nanotech fabric that helps destroy/block the growth of microorganisms and repels respiratory droplets. It is designed to be much more comfortable to wear and breathe while wearing than a typical cotton cloth face mask. They even have glowing recommendations from doctors and other medical professionals!

Space Mask

Buy Nanotech Space Masks here.


More Non-Medical Face Masks In Stock

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If you’re looking for a wide variety of comfortable, fashionable face mask choices, you should check out Etsy! Artisans all over the world are creating affordable cloth face masks to help during the pandemic. Some face masks include a filter pocket, where you can insert part of a vacuum bag, HEPA filter or an N95 filter.

    Feed has no items.

    Feed has no items.

Don’t see what you need on this list? Search Etsy for Face Masks


Amazon sells quite a few cloth face masks, including some with filters.

in stock
21 new from $22.99
as of February 20, 2025 9:13 pm
in stock
68 new from $18.69
as of February 20, 2025 9:13 pm
in stock
68 new from $12.97
as of February 20, 2025 9:13 pm
in stock
3 new from $15.99
as of February 20, 2025 9:13 pm
Last updated on February 20, 2025 9:13 pm
Search Amazon for Face Masks


You can find a wide variety of non-medical and surgical masks on eBay.

Don’t see what you need on this list?

Search eBay for Face Masks

Funny Masks

Do you want to help bring some humor to the world in these dark times? RageOn has hundreds of hilarious masks to choose from. You can have that Joe Exotic meth-stache you’ve always wanted!
Joe Exotic cloth face mask featuring his famous mustache.

Looking for more silly face masks?

Search RageOn for Face Masks

Image by Alexander Droeger from Pixabay

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